Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dominance and Human Development

Session 2:

Today was an informative day because i came to know much more about the world history right from the roman empire to colonization. I enjoyed the video "History in 7 minutes" as it is very interesting since it shows the history in pictures rather than words which makes it easier to understand and remember too!
I liked the organisational behavior model as it really shows why certain people succeed while others don't.

I liked the phrase whereby change in world causes development which again leads to world this cycle continues on and on leading to faster and faster innovations.

The key takeaway for me was that soft dominance can have as much impact and even more than hard dominance. Another message which i liked was that countries were able to put aside their differences to come up with the MDGs for making earth a better place to live in.

In my opinion, we should discuss more on whether having global dominance in certain technologies is important. This is because for different countries/ places, need different types of technologies. hence, it is not necessary for the country to become dominant globally.

I would rate today's lesson to be 8/10


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