Saturday, September 3, 2011

Session 3:

Today's lesson was focused on technology in industry and its role in innovation. The session started with the cool video of Story of Stuff which provided a great insight of what happens in the different stages right from getting the resources from the earth till the product is disposed off. Then we went on to the IPP toolbox. Then we went on to talk about the role of technology in innovation as well as the role of innovation in technology. In this we were introduced to the RDA translation process, Shahi Landscape Model for Technology Assessment and Shahi Technology Innovation Value Creation Pipeline.

I was again inspired by the story of stuff video (watching it for second time)because it again made me feel like a fool for getting trapped in the schemes of "evil" producers who just want me to spend my money again and again on their products. I am ashamed to say that i am one of those who prefers to throw away/ recycle my things if i am able to afford a new product even though it is not much different from my old one.

Another interesting aspect of today's session was the presentation on Electrical Cigarettes. I personally hate the smell of smoke from cigarettes and have been asking people around me to quit. I hate to think of the horror of what would happen if they are able to get hold of electrical ones. with no one being wise as to how many times they smoke, it can lead to awful impacts on their health and am glad that it is banned in Singapore.

The key takeaways for this sessions were that technology and innovation go hand in hand. One is required for the other. Another important lesson i learnt was that failures are not something to be afraid of. Personally i hate failing (at least exam aspect) but i have learnt in my life that everything does not always happens as you wish for it to happen. Hence, i love the quote from Tom Peters:
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff.
Most fails. Some works.
You do more of what works.
If it works big, others quickly copy it.
Then you do something else.

The trick is the doing something else."

In my opinion, one reason why the knowledge based society is not being more productive is because of the risk that one has to take. Most people are afraid of failing and without any support (financially and physically and emotionally) many give up after some tries. Hence, i believe that there is a need to change the mindset of the people right from young. I believe that this can be further discussed in class: How should the education be changed so as to equip children with the attitude to be able to succeed in knowledge based society.

i would rate this session to be 9/10


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